Saturday, August 4, 2007

CAT 2007 Application & paper related FAQs (Lengthy but very useful)

I. FAQs on filling CAT Application Form (CAF)
What should I do if I make a mistake while filling the CAT Application Form (CAF)?
Any entries made using a pencil can be erased using a good quality eraser and entries made
by a pen can be written over using a whitener. However, we recommend that you make
photocopies of the CAF and fill it completely and check it for accuracy. Only after you are
satisfied with all the answers should you start filling the original CAF.
Can I use a pen for filling up the CAT Application Form?
Use only an HB PENCIL for filling all the boxes in the CAT Application Form, except for
Boxes 12, 14, 34 & 35. For these four boxes, use a BLACK Ball-Point Pen.
What type of pencil should I use to fill up the CAT Application Form?
Wherever you have to use a pencil (as explained above), you should use an HB pencil only.
What should I do if I forgot to fill in some details in the CAT Application Form and sent it
to the IIMs?
You should, in general, fill in all the details asked for in the application form.
However, BOXES 1, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17 or 18, 35, and the Declaration in the CAT
Application Form are mandatory and should be filled in compulsorily by every applicant.
These boxes are marked with a * sign in the application form. Applications with these boxes
not filled in will be rejected. Requests for reconsideration of such forms will not be
entertained by IIMs.
Please also note that the CAT Application Form is the only source that the IIMs have for
much of the information about your personal details, academic background and CAT and
admission related matters. Your failure to provide fully and accurately the information
asked for in the CAT Application Form can prove to be of disadvantage to you.
How should I write my name in the CAT Application Form?
Write your name (as it appears in the school leaving certificate) in the cells, one letter
to a cell and darken appropriate circles below. Leave one cell blank between your surname,
middle name and first name. The same format should be used for Box 12 and for the answer
For example, if your name is Sanjeep Ranjnesh aggarwal, you will fill up your name as below:
First Name: Sandeep
Middle Name: Ranjesh (You can also write the initial R for the middle name)
Last Name: aggarwal
If I have not completed my degree, how should I indicate it in the Application Form?
If you have passed a degree course, darken the circle against 'completed' (in Box 8), and if
you are in the final year of the degree course, have written the final year exam and are
awaiting results at the time of applying for CAT, darken the circle against 'incomplete'. In
addition, fill in Box 17 if you have indicated ‘completed’ and Box 18 if you have indicated
I am doing my Bachelor's degree (three year course) through a correspondence/Distance
Education. I have completed my second year and awaiting the results. I can enroll for my
third year only after my results for Second Year are released. Hence, I do not have any bona
fide letter/certificate that I am studying in my third year of my degree course. Will the
IIMs accept my application form without the proof of my studying in 3rd year?
The IIMs expect you to take care of everything that they have asked you to in the CAT
Bulletin. This includes attaching all the certificates/documents that they have asked for. If you are not able to provide a bona fide that you are in the final year of your degree
course (when you are still studying), then, in all likelihood, your form will be rejected.
Please try talking to the University authorities and get the required letter/certificate.
My graduation institute/university does not appear in Table 3 (on page 9-18) of the CAT
What should I fill in Box 27 of the CAT Application Form?
In Table 3 of CAT Bulletin, there is also a code given for "Any Other" under every state. If
your university/institute does not appear in Table 3, use the code for "Any Other" under the
state in where you did your Bachelor's degree.
For example, if you have done you Bachelor's degree from a University in Goa (and the name
of the university is not there in Table 3), please fill code 187 (last entry under Goa).
However, if have done your Bachelor's degree from a university in Madhya Pradesh (and the
name of the university is not there in Table 3), then, fill code 294 (last entry under
Madhya Pradesh).
Can I include part-time work experience also under "Work Experience?". I am an unpaid
technical trainee/apprentice. Can I include this as work experience?
Part-time experience is not counted as experience for the purpose of admission weightages.
You should indicate only paid and full time work experience, acquired after completing the
Bachelor's Degree. The work experience should be counted as on August 31, 2007 - and it
should be expressed in "number of months."
I have done my apprenticeship/articleship. Can I include the same under Work Experience?
Apprenticeship, Articleship, Internship etc., which form an integral part of a course of
study, should not be treated as work experience.
I am graduating in the year 2009. Can I write CAT2007 just for practice?
No, you cannot. As per the CAT Bulletin, you have to send your degree certificate if you
have completed your Bachelor's degree or a bona fide certificate from the University or
institute that you are studying in your final year of Bachelor's degree if you have not
completed your degree.
Hence, if you are graduating later than 2008, you cannot write CAT2007. Even if you apply
for CAT2007, your application is very likely to be rejected.
My University does not consider one subject (or first year's marks) in calculating my
percentage marks. What should I do while filling up the percentage marks in CAT Application
In case you have completed your graduation and your university/institution uses only
selected subjects/courses to calculate percentages and the same is not reflected in the
photocopy of your mark sheet or degree certificate, get a certificate from your university
indicating the basis on which percentage is calculated by your university/institution, and
enclose it with the application form. Please note that in the absence of such a certificate
or indication of percentage on mark sheet or degree certificate, aggregate marks across all
subjects would be used to calculate percentage marks obtained by you.
How do I convert my grades/grade points to percentages while filling CAT Application Form?
Conversion of Grades/Grade Points to Percentage:
If your Board/University/Institute provides a formula for converting letter grades or grade
points to percentage, use the formula and convert your letter grades or grade points to
If your Board/University/Institute does not provide a formula for converting grade points to
percentage, then divide your grade point by the maximum of the scale and multiply it by 100
to get the percentage. For example, if your grade point is 3 on a 4-point scale, the
equivalent percentage of marks will be ¾ x 100 = 75.0% What are all the enclosures that I should send with the CAT Application Form?
The following should be sent along with your CAT Application Form
1. 3rd copy of Banks/IIMs Pay-in-slip2. A copy of Bachelor's degree certificate / provisional certificate if your degree
education has been completed, or a certificate from the college / institution in the pro
forma given in bulletin in Table-6 that you are in the final year and have obtained at least
50%. (45% in case of SC/ST/PWD category candidates).3. A copy of mark sheet indicating percentage marks scored in graduation if your degree
education has been completed, or the latest available mark sheet in case you are in the
final year.4. Copy of OBC/SC/ST and/or Disability Certificate, if applicable. 5. One additional copy of the photograph with your name and CAF number written at the back
of photograph.
Please write your Application Form number on the documents mentioned in (1), (2), (3) and
Do not staple, pin, or stitch these documents to the CAT Application Form. Keep them loose
along with the Application Form inside the envelope.
In addition to the above, you have to paste a colour photograph of yours near Box No. 13 in
the lower part (front side) of the CAT Application Form. Please note that the photographed
has to be pasted and not stapled. You should also not get the photo attested. Can I submit the application form without the certificate that I am studying in the final of
If you do not enclose a copy of bachelor's degree/certificate or a certificate that you are
studying in the final year of graduation issued by your college/institute, the Application
form will be rejected.
Can I indicate more than one location as "Choice of Interview Centre" for each IIM (in Box
No. 32)?
No. For each IIM, you can fill only one location as your Choice of Interview Centre.
However, the Interview Centre need not be the same for different IIMs.
For example, you may specify Mumbai as your interview centre for IIMB and specify Kolkata as
your interview centre for IIML.
Should I mark PGP programme for all the IIMs on the OMR sheet (Box No. 11 in the CAT
Application Form)?
Please note that individual IIMs will consider your application for their programme(s) only
if you have darkened the appropriate circle(s) provided against the programmes listed under
each IIM separately in this box. If you do not darken a particular programme (say, PGP at
IIM Lucknow), you will not be called for GD/Interview even though your CAT scores and other
parameters that the IIMs consider for sending interview calls could have got you an
interview call.
Some of the IIMs offer more than one programme. Can I apply for all the programmes?
Each programme offered by any IIM has some eligibility criteria (given in the write up under
the respective IIMs in Section 4 of the CAT Bulletin). You can certainly apply for more than
one programme of any IIM provided you satisfy the eligibility criteria for the programmes.
However, for some of the programmes (e.g.: FPM, PGDCM of IIMC), you need to apply separately
(either against separate ads to be released by the respective IIMs or based on the info
given in the CAT Bulletin under the relevant programmes).
For some of the programmes, you will also need to pay additional application fee. For
example, while no additional fee is required for PGP-ABM programme of IIMA, additional fee
needs to be paid for the PGDCM programme of IIMC or the FPM programmes of various IIMs.
Should I keep a copy of my CAT Application Form with me for my record?
We very strongly recommend that you take a photocopy of your CAT Application Form after you fill it up completely, and keep this photocopy for your record.
In fact, it is not just for CAT Application Form that you should do this. Keep a photocopy
(for your record) of filled in application form any B-School to which you are applying.
What are the other important points that I should keep in mind about CAT Application Form?
Last date for receiving the completed CAT Application Forms at the IIMs: SEPTEMBER 8, 2007.
Do NOT tear, bend or mutilate the CAT Application Form.
The test Admit Card (that you will receive from the IIMs) will indicate your Test
Registration Number, and the Address of the Test Venue. It will be mailed to you by the
appropriate IIM by October 15, 2007. If you do not receive the Admit Card by November 2,
2007, you should contact the Admissions Office of the IIM concerned, and also a send a
reminder (quoting the Test Centre chosen by you, the CAT Application Form number and the CAT
Bulletin Number)
Do not detach the bottom portion of the CAT Application Form (consisting of boxes 12, 13, 14
and 34).
What is the duration of the CAT?
CAT2007 Bulletin says (on Page III) "November 18, 2007, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m." However, this
includes the time required for distributing the OMR sheet, filling up of the OMR sheet,
distribution of the Test Booklet and reading of the directions on the Test Booklet. The
actual time for answering the question paper for CAT2007 is two and half hours.
This is explained in detail under instruction 9 on Page 22 of the CAT Bulletin.
Can the CAT paper come without sections - that is, is a jumbled paper possible in CAT?
As per CAT Bulletin (Pg.22, guidelines), the CAT paper will have several sections. Moreover,
Pg.29 mentions that the cut-off would be not less than 25% in each of the three sections.
Hence, the possibility of a jumbled paper in CAT2007 is extremely remote. IIM Calcutta
mentions that the cut-off in QA and DI sections will be 20% each and 10% in the Verbal
section of the CAT paper. This also points to the fact that there could be 3 sections in the
paper though the number of questions has not been specified at all.
Will there be time limits prescribed for each section separately?
While there were a couple of CAT papers in the last ten years where there were time limits
given for parts of the paper, CAT2007 is not going to have time limits for each section
separately. The CAT Bulletin specifies clearly: "you will get two and a half hours, 10:30 to
1:00 without a break to answer the questions".
Is there a minimum cut-off in each section of the CAT paper?
You should remember that CAT is used as an admission test by more than 80 institutes
including the IIMs. And CAT score is just one of the components of the admission process for
most of the institutes. Some of these institutes (including the IIMs) expect you to cross a
cut-off mark in each section. But the cut-off marks themselves will differ from institute to
institute. Further, a lot of institutes DO NOT have section-wise cut-offs for admission.
However in order to qualify to be considered for a call from IIM-A, "please note that the
cut off for short listing SC/ST/PWD candidates for group discussion and personal interview
would not be less than 17% score in each of the three sections of CAT2007 and no less than
25% score in aggregate. For other categories, it would be no less than 25% in each of the
three sections and no less than 33% in aggregate. The actual cut-offs used for short-
listing, however, may be higher than the above mentioned percentage scores and would depend
upon the performance scores and would depend the performance of candidates in CAT2007."
This is explained on page 29 of CAT2007 bulletin under admission/selection process of IIM-A.
Likewise to qualify to be considered for a call from IIM-C, “candidates should obtain a
minimum of 20%, 20% & 10% in quantitative, logic & data interpretation and verbal sections
respectively” (as mentioned on pg.46 of CAT2007 Bulletin). The actual cut-off used for
short-listing, however, may be higher than the minimum cut-off and would depend upon the
performance of candidates in CAT2007.
Click here for FAQs on CAT Cut-offs.
Can we get the question paper back with us after we write the CAT?
Yes, you can retain the test booklet back after you complete the test.
Is there negative marking for wrong answers?
Every year, CAT has been awarding negative marks for incorrect answers.
What is the level of negative marks given for wrong answers?
CAT2007 bulletin does not specify the level of negative marks. The bulletin (Pg.22 – Point
8) only states "Wrong answers carry negative marks."
CAT2005 paper very clearly stated that “wrong answers will attract a penalty of one-third of
the marks allotted to the questions”. If the question is a one-mark question, wrong answer
attracts one-third negative mark. If a question is a two-mark question, two-thirds mark is
deducted for a wrong answer. The level of negative marks was not specified in the earlier
years also.
What will happen if I mark two answers for the same question?
It will be treated as a wrong answer and negative marks will be awarded.
Do I get negative marks even for questions that I do not attempt at all?
Awarding negative marks for unattempted questions effectively forces students to attempt all
questions. Given that the CAT is mostly an exam of your ability to manage time and select
the right questions, this scenario is highly unlikely.
I am doing 3rd year degree. I don’t have 50% as of now, but I have taken improvement exams
and I am confident of increasing my aggregate to over 50%. Can I apply to CAT?
You will not be able to write CAT2007 since you don’t have 50% now. However, you can write
CAT2008 in case you do well in your final year and your aggregate goes up to over 50%.
I have written my final in April ’07 and I am awaiting results. In the CAT form, shall I
mark my degree as completed?
Since the results are not out, you will have to indicate your degree as ‘incomplete’.
I took my final year exams in May and I am awaiting results. The format of certificate from
the principal is for final year students and says “this student is currently doing his final
year ……”. What about students like me?
The following sentence needs to replace the 1st sentence in the certificate. “This is to
certify that Mr./Ms. ___________________ has already appeared for the final exams and
results are expected by _______. He/She has obtained at least 50% of marks * (45% in case of
SC/ST/PWD candidates) based on latest available marks / grades in graduation level
examination. The above stated percentage is based on the subjects, which are considered by
the University / Institute to award the class / division / rank.
Should I send mark lists of each semester along with the CAT application form?
You need to attach a copy of mark sheet indicating percentage marks scored in graduation if
your degree education has been completed, or the latest available mark sheet in case you are
in the final year.
Should I get the mark lists attested?
You need not get your mark sheets attested.
Should I buy separate forms for ABM, PGDCM …….?
You do not need to buy separate forms. However, some of the programmes eg. PGDCM of IIM
Calcutta require additional details and have an extra application fee which need to be sent
as per instructions given for the programmes.
Should I start applying to other institutes also or should I wait?
You can start applying to institutes once they start accepting applications.
Will the IIMs inform me if my application has been rejected?
A list of rejected candidates, along with the reason(s) for rejection, will be put up on all
IIM websites on October 1, 2007.
I have just written my final year exams and I am awaiting results. I have a couple of
backlog papers. When I calculate my aggregate percentage marks till now, should I keep aside
my marks for the backlog papers or should I include them also.
You need to add up marks in all the subjects for which you have received results so far
(including the marks of the backlog papers, while calculating aggregate percentage).
Disclaimer: This information is obtained from the information highway and the author doesnot guarantee its authenticity.


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